The science behind the innovative treatment of diseases, without drugs

A significant breakthrough through the brain

Introduction to Epigenetics:
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve changes in the genetic sequence itself. These changes can affect how genes are turned on or off and are influenced by various factors, including the environment. Epigenetic changes can be passed from generation to generation, even though they do not change the underlying DNA code. Common epigenetic processes include gene methylation and histone modification, which regulate gene expression without altering the genetic code. Epigenetics acts as a bridge between our genes and our physical environment. This dynamic interaction can affect the onset of diseases, mental health problems, decision-making processes, and even body weight. For example, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can indirectly trigger epigenetic changes. This exposure can lead to the addition or removal of chemical tags on the DNA and affect the way genes are expressed. These epigenetic changes may affect genes involved in skin cell function, repair, and possibly cancer development.

Disease development:
Epigenetic changes, as in the example of UV exposure, can activate or silence disease-related genes. For instance, abnormal DNA methylation patterns can lead to the abnormal activation of oncogenes or silencing of tumor suppressor genes, which contributes to cancer development.

Mental Health:
Dietary intake and lifestyle choices can leave epigenetic marks that affect brain function and mental health. Certain nutrients play a role in DNA and histone methylation, which can affect gene function and susceptibility to mental health disorders.

Management skills - decision making for example: While the relationship between epigenetics and decision-making is complex, emerging research shows that epigenetic mechanisms can influence behaviors and cognitive functions that underlie our choices.

Body weight:
Epigenetic factors are also involved in obesity and metabolic diseases. For example, the prenatal and early postnatal environment can influence epigenetic marks that affect fat storage and metabolism, which can lead to obesity later in life. In essence, epigenetics is the study of how our environment and behaviors, such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins, can change the way our genes work. This can lead to different health outcomes and affect our behavior and physiology.

Introduction to Epigenetics
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations in the genetic sequence itself. These changes can affect how genes are turned on or off and are influenced by various factors, including the environment. Epigenetic changes can be inherited from one generation to the next, even though they do not alter the underlying DNA code. Common epigenetic processes include DNA methylation and histone modification, which regulate gene expression without changing the genetic code.
Epigenetics acts as a bridge between our genes and our physical environment. This dynamic interaction can impact the onset of diseases, mental health issues, decision-making processes, and even body weight.
For example, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can indirectly trigger epigenetic changes. This exposure can lead to the addition or removal of chemical tags on DNA, affecting gene expression. These epigenetic changes may influence genes involved in skin cell function, repair, and potentially cancer development.

Disease Development
Epigenetic changes, such as those resulting from UV exposure, can activate or silence disease-related genes. For instance, abnormal DNA methylation patterns can lead to the improper activation of oncogenes or the silencing of tumor suppressor genes, contributing to cancer development.

Mental Health
Dietary intake and lifestyle choices can leave epigenetic marks that affect brain function and mental health. Certain nutrients play a role in DNA and histone methylation, which can influence gene function and susceptibility to mental health disorders.

Management Skills and Decision Making
While the relationship between epigenetics and decision-making is complex, emerging research shows that epigenetic mechanisms can influence behaviors and cognitive functions that underlie our choices.

Body Weight
Epigenetic factors are also involved in obesity and metabolic diseases. For example, the prenatal and early postnatal environment can influence epigenetic marks that affect fat storage and metabolism, potentially leading to obesity later in life.

In essence, epigenetics studies how our environment and behaviors, such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins, can alter the way our genes function. These changes can lead to different health outcomes and impact our behavior and Feelogica.

Cute baby

The concept of the Primary Cell (Zygote)
is indeed fascinating. It’s the starting point of all cellular development in the body, undergoing numerous divisions and differentiations to form the diverse cell types, tissues, and organs. This common origin is crucial for understanding the epigenetic changes that can lead to health issues.

In Thought Experiments,
Feelogica’s approach is innovative. It traces the lineage from everyday thoughts and feelings back to the zygote, seeking the epigenetic changes needed to rectify or improve health conditions. This method aims to pinpoint epigenetic anomalies that have arisen due to environmental and lifestyle factors, offering insights into the root causes of health problems.

Feelogica Science
challenges common perceptions by suggesting that the body’s chemicals originate from the brain’s automatic survival responses to sensory input. For instance, cortisol production in stressful situations is an example of how the brain’s interpretation of chemical presence can shape our emotional experiences, like anxiety.

The link between Chemicals and Diseases
is a critical area of study. The idea that diseases are associated with specific tissues that absorb certain chemicals opens up possibilities for targeted treatments and interventions.

Listening to Chemical Secretions
is a unique concept proposed by Feelogica, where individuals learn to ‘hear’ their biochemical responses. This awareness acts as an early warning system, enabling prompt action against potential health threats.

Lastly, Feelogica’s strategy for Bypassing Problematic Brain Pathways is akin to retraining the brain to develop new, healthier neural routes. This is similar to teaching someone to use their non-dominant hand, which can lead to positive changes and healthier outcomes by forging alternative pathways in the brain.
Feelogica’s holistic approach to health, emphasizing the interplay between mind, body, and environment, offers a comprehensive framework for understanding and potentially addressing complex health issues.

About Feelogica

Feelogica focuses on studying brain processes but from a completely different approach than usual. At Feelogica, we decided to investigate what we call "brain software." We found that the human brain software controls all areas of life, but we decided to initially focus solely on health and diseases. Other important areas such as body weight, relationships, success factors, etc., we decided to address later.

A Bit About Brain Software:
The decision to focus on brain software stemmed from the assumption, which later proved to be correct and successful, that the brain is a sophisticated and unfamiliar computer pre-programmed to navigate our lives through genetics. Later, throughout life, the brain attempts to make software adjustments according to life circumstances.

For every discovery we made, we searched for its medical equivalent. The brain's adaptations to environmental conditions were discovered in the medical field of epigenetics. When we delved into epigenetics, we saw that medicine also acknowledges the epigenetic mechanism responsible for many diseases.

To find a way to retrieve brain software, we researched how the greatest scientists in human history made their discoveries. We discovered that most of them used a mechanism that Einstein (who frequently used this method) named a "thought experiment." We saw that Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Maxwell, and many others after them used this method. When we looked for great researchers in the medical field, we even found Louis Pasteur – the discoverer of pasteurization! (Along with many other names)

We dedicated about ten years to practicing the method and another four years to making it easy and accessible to everyone within seconds! We managed to make the method usable even through a simple video call!

Today, through this method, we allow every person to uncover their life software within a few hours.

After this breakthrough, we knew it wasn't enough; we also had to find a way to implant life-changing epigenetics in the brain.

We searched again through human history for how epigenetic changes were made and arrived at a simple yet life-changing discovery. If you take a person used to writing with their left hand and tie it up, they will learn to write with their right hand. If you keep their left hand tied long enough, they will continue writing with their right hand for the rest of their life.

We knew that if we could "tie up" the epigenetic process producing the disease "behind their back" (this is, of course, just a metaphor) and force the person to use a new process – "writing with the right hand" – their chances of improving their health would be very high.

We developed a new thought experiment to find the exact process that replaces the disease-producing process, and we teach the person to use it.

These are the principles of the method. They are simple after we developed all the tools that allow each person to reach the processes in their brain that create their disease and replace them with specific, tailored processes – to improve their condition.

Concept of the Primary Cell (Zygote):
All cells in the body originate from a single primary cell called a zygote. The zygote undergoes multiple divisions and differentiations to create various types of cells, tissues, and organs in the body. By tracing back to this common origin, we can identify the fundamental epigenetic changes that lead to health problems.

Thought Experiment:
Feelogica uses thought experiments to trace the starting point of conscious, everyday thoughts and feelings, back to the components within the zygote cell. This helps in finding the epigenetic changes required to modify, correct, and improve the condition that needs adjustment. This process helps identify epigenetic deviations that have occurred over time due to environmental influences and lifestyle. By detecting these deviations, we can better understand the underlying causes of health issues.

Feelogica Science:
Contrary to popular belief: The chemicals produced in the body are generated by a mechanism that starts with the brain's automatic and unconscious survival interpretation of signals received from the senses. These signals are processed by the brain and produce many different chemicals. For example, when the body encounters a stressful situation, it produces cortisol. The presence of cortisol is interpreted by the brain as stress, leading to the emotional experience of anxiety. This approach emphasizes the primacy of chemical processes in shaping our mental and emotional states.

Chemicals and Diseases:
Many chemicals can cause diseases when they are absorbed into the body's tissues. Each disease corresponds to the specific tissues that absorb these specific chemicals.

Ability to Listen to Chemical Secretions:
This method teaches people to listen to their chemical body, using it as a microphone to identify harmful events in real time. This increased awareness allows for immediate responses to change the disease trend.

Bypassing Problematic Brain Pathways:
Feelogica trains the brain to bypass pathways that create problems, similar to teaching a right-handed person to write with their left hand. By creating new neural pathways, the brain can adapt to new methods within itself, leading to healthier outcomes.

Aryeh Ariav
the Developer of Feelogica

About the Developer of Feelogica

If someone had told me in 2008 that I would be involved in something like Philogica, I would have thought the person had lost their mind. At that time, all I was focused on was developing groundbreaking medical products and success. Ego-driven.
A series of events that never depended on me made me take my eyes off the world of high-tech, entrepreneurship, management and the need for business success. I experienced the medical problems that appeared in my life and I wondered to myself why they suddenly appeared. I was a healthy, energetic person - what's going on here.
You could say I was forced to examine what caused the medical problems that afflicted me. Since I was surrounded by many doctors, some of whom worked for me at the company, some were on the company's board of directors, and some participated in joint projects – I clearly received the best treatment medicine could offer.
Despite the excellent medical treatment, I remained with the question: why was I, a healthy person, regularly engaged in sports, a vegetarian who had never experienced serious health problems beyond colds, facing these issues?
This is how I was exposed to epigenetics. From that moment, an endless stream of questions flooded me:
· Can epigenetics be changed?
· Could the medical problems have been prevented?
· Is there a way back?
Since I was well-versed in the software world and through my doctor acquaintances, I could see they were only treating symptoms, what was already visible or detectable by devices, but not the sources that create the problem. I thought to myself, "Why not think outside the box?" and use what I know – software, finding bugs in software, fixing software. I remembered that I didn't have to be a doctor to find a breakthrough in the medical field. I saw many names who even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine who were not doctors, such as Rudolf Koch, Ernst Chain, Henri Becquerel, Emilio Segre, Roger Guillemin, Eric Kandel, and others.
I knew I was committed to thoroughly researching the brain's software, the software of life. Perhaps this was why I was born.
As I reached the ability to find the brain software of humans, many people began to come and use this ability to improve their lives. People came who wanted to lose weight, others who wanted successful relationships with their partners, managers who wanted to succeed, and many patients.
When I saw the large number of people coming and did a bit of soul-searching – to whom should I give priority, I concluded that I would dedicate my life to the ill.
I do not pretend to replace conventional medicine. All I want to do is help people find the source of their illness within their brains and assist them in stopping the activity of the disease source.
To allow people to immediately feel the method for themselves, I decided not to charge immediately. I decided that all humans should know there is hope for a better and healthier life.
And what do I hope for the future? To find enough talented people who can participate in a school dedicated to Philogica topics, segmented into various specialties, from health and weight loss to brain changes for creating good and successful relationships, business success, successful child education, and anxiety cessation. May this wish also come true.