Hidden processes in the brain create diseases. Find them and improve your situation

The processes in the brain are not a disease. They are a lack of understanding of how the brain creates them

Welcome to the future. A healthy future

Before you delve into the depth of this site, I want to share why it was created and how it can change your understanding of health.

As someone who spent years in the high-tech world, I approached health and disease with a unique perspective, driven by personal experience and endless curiosity.

When I got sick, I received the best medical care available. Still, a persistent question haunted me: Why did I get sick? My high-tech background led me to ponder: Can we treat the brain like a computer? Can we read the "brain software" and find the "malfunctions" that cause diseases? Can we fix these "glitches" in the brain's software?

I dedicated every second of my life to this journey. My journey has culminated in this site, where I hope you can benefit from my discoveries.

The brain as a supercomputer

Just as I would debug software, I decided to access the brain. I don't bother with hardware details like chip type or memory speed in computer software. I focus on the performance of the software and correct any errors to achieve the desired result. Similarly, I treated the brain as a sophisticated computer, capable of producing infinite types of programs, each affecting different aspects of health and life itself (body weight, success, relationships, etc.)

I realized that I needed unconventional tools to venture into this unexplored territory. I hypothesized that brain software could dictate different situations: one person's software could cause a specific disease, another's could lead to weight problems, and another's could affect his success in business or personal relationships.

the process

1. Reading the brain software - a thought experiment

I used thought experiments, a method famously used by the greatest people in human history such as Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman, to read the brain's software. This process allows us to simulate and explore different mental states and cognitive processes.

2. Finding the faults in the brain software - deepening consciousness

I developed a unique method for deepening consciousness and improving the abilities of thought experiments. This process includes intensive introspection techniques and techniques that counteract survival needs = to identify cognitive patterns that contribute to the disease.

3. Bypassing the faults - deepening the unconscious

I took the process of "deepening consciousness" another step, deeper, I created techniques to access and reveal unconscious processes. This method leverages the brain's natural abilities to adapt and change, known as neuroplasticity, to bypass harmful cognitive patterns.

4. Application of the bypass - a cognitive process utilizing epigenetics and neuroplasticity

The final stage is a cognitive process that uses the brain's epigenetic and neuroplasticity mechanisms to implement lasting changes. This approach is supported by modern medical science and can be found in the latest medical literature.

Embracing the future

This site is the culmination of my journey - a fusion of high-tech problem-solving and innovative medical science. By exploring these methods, anyone has the opportunity to change your health, well-being and other aspects of your life - profoundly.

Dive in and discover the power of your brain software.

A quick and easy process

Anyone can begin this transformative process in seconds. The process is easy and simple, accessible to everyone, it can all be done comfortably from home through a simple video call. Importantly, this process can be performed alongside your regular treatments, without interfering. The brain-assisted process does not use any drugs or substances.

We would be very happy to find doctors and people who want and are able to learn this unique method to help as many people as possible.

Welcome to the future of personalized health. Dive in and discover what is hidden in your brain software.



Remember, brain software is not just the software itself, but a complex interplay of chemicals, neural connections, and the experiences that shape us and it. By understanding this interconnected network, we can adopt an innovative approach that will greatly assist in improving our health.

Brain Sciences of Brain Software 

The brain is an organ with a remarkable ability to adapt; it can create new neural pathways (the software) in response to experiences and needs. This process, called neuroplasticity, allows the brain to rewire itself throughout life. (to improve the brain software) Most of the brain software is hidden, especially the parts that have been suppressed over long periods. These parts are stored in neural pathways that serve as the software’s storage location. When the brain software is not felt – it does not mean it does not exist; it remains embedded in the brain’s neural circuits, often generating chronic diseases.


Epigenetic Implications 

Epigenetics is the science that studies changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetics provides the understanding of how hidden brain programs determine and affect our health. Environmental factors, including emotional experiences, can alter the epigenome, activating or deactivating genes. These changes can affect various biological processes, including immune system function, inflammation, and the growth or malformation of cells. For example, chronic stress and emotional suppression can lead to elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that can alter epigenetic markers and disrupt normal body functions. This lack of epigenetic regulation can contribute to the development of diseases such as heart and vascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer.


Innovative Approach - Great Promise 

The innovative treatment method of Feelogica harnesses the brain to produce the precise chemicals needed to stop the disease process and create healing processes, all naturally, with the help of your brain. This process does not interfere and does not contradict any other treatment you are undergoing, and promises to treat only the internal process that creates the problem, within you, not the treatments that usually deal with the result, the symptoms.


The Main Advantages of Feelogica

Feelogica does not use drugs at all Zero side effects: Since our method is natural and non-invasive, it has no side effects. Compatibility: Suitable for use alongside any other medical treatment, without conflict. Convenience: The treatment can be conducted comfortably from home. Long-term health changes: Feelogica fosters sustained health and other improvements.



The page for doctors
A person falls ill

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Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Autoimmune Diseases
: "New research in autoimmune diseases", "Treatment options for autoimmune diseases", "Management of autoimmune symptoms",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Neurological Diseases:
"Neurological disorders", "New developments in neurological disorders", "Treatment of neurological disorders", "Prevention of neurological diseases", "New research in neurological disorders", "New methods for neurological disorders", "Prevention of neurological disorders", "Symptoms of neurological disorders", "Research in neurological disorders", "Cure neurological disorders", "The latest news in neurological disorders",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Cardiovascular Diseases
: "Recent studies in heart disease", "Tips to prevent heart disease", "New research in cardiovascular disease", "New methods for cardiovascular disease", "Prevention of cardiovascular disease", "Symptoms of cardiovascular disease", "Research in cardiovascular disease", "Healing cardiovascular diseases", "The latest news in cardiovascular diseases", "Cardiovascular disease symptoms",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Management of Hypertension
: "Blood pressure", "New blood pressure research", "New blood pressure methods", "Blood pressure prevention", "Blood pressure symptoms", "Blood pressure research", "Blood pressure cure", "The latest news in blood pressure",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Chronic Pain
"Techniques for managing chronic pain", "New treatments for chronic pain", "Causes of chronic pain", "New research in chronic pain", "New methods for chronic pain", "Prevention of chronic pain", "Symptoms of chronic pain", "Research in chronic pain", "Healing chronic pain", "The latest news in chronic pain",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Sleep Disorders
"Improving sleep quality", "Types of sleep disorders", "Treatments for insomnia", "New research in sleep disorders", "New methods for sleep disorders", "Prevention of sleep disorders", "Symptoms of sleep disorders", "Research in sleep disorders", "Healing sleep disorders", "The latest news in sleep disorders",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Intestinal Diseases
"Maintaining gut health", "Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) treatment", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) relief", "New research in intestinal diseases", "New methods for intestinal diseases", "Intestinal disease prevention", "Intestinal disease symptoms", "Intestinal disease research", "Intestinal disease cure", "The latest news in intestinal diseases",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Post-Trauma
"Coping with post-trauma (PTSD)", "PTSD treatments", "Emotional trauma management", "Post-trauma", "New research in post-trauma", "New methods for post-trauma", "Prevention of post-trauma", "Post-traumatic symptoms", "Post-trauma research", "Post-trauma healing", "The latest news in post-trauma",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Diabetes Mellitus
"Type 2 diabetes", "New developments in diabetes research", "Controlling blood sugar levels", "Living with diabetes", "New research in type 2 diabetes", "New methods for type 2 diabetes", "Prevention of type 2 diabetes", "Symptoms of type 2 diabetes", "Research in type 2 diabetes", "Cure of type 2 diabetes", "The latest news in type 2 diabetes",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Moods
"Depression", "Anxiety", "Mental health awareness", "Improving emotional well-being", "Stress management", "New research on moods", "New methods for moods", "Prevention of moods", "Mood symptoms", "Research in moods", "Healing moods", "The latest news in moods",
Experimental Scientific Breakthrough in Immune System Diseases
: "New research on the immune system", "New methods for the immune system", "Prevention of diseases of the immune system", "Symptoms of the immune system", "Research on the immune system", "Healing the immune system", "The latest news on the immune system",

The Physical Expression of Brain Software 

When brain software creates suppressed emotions, the brain’s stress response system is usually activated. This leads to the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, preparing the body for a fight-or-flight response. However, chronic activation of this system can lead to body wear and tear, known as allostatic load, contributing to various health problems. For example, prolonged emotional suppression has been linked to high blood pressure, digestive issues, and weakened immune responses.

Moreover, hidden brain software can affect the body’s autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary functions such as heartbeat and digestion. This can cause psychosomatic symptoms, where emotional distress manifests as physical pain or discomfort. For every hidden emotion, positive or negative, a corresponding cognitive process is created. When brain software generates negative hidden emotions, the software also creates cognitive processes designed to conceal the emotional pain from the person’s awareness, making the struggle with suffering unconscious. On the other hand, brain software perceived as positive by the person can also become an illusion, as it creates a belief that it is a tool beneficial to our lives. For example, a person who receives exaggerated praise for being overly generous may unconsciously suppress their own needs to maintain this false positive reinforcement. Such a phenomenon, seemingly positive, can lead to internal stress and a life of dissatisfaction. Both scenarios involve masking a hidden emotion, which can disrupt emotional and physical health.

Exposing Different Brain Programs: Aid in Healing 

Exposing and accurately addressing hidden brain programs can lead to significant health improvements. Feelogica is a tool designed to help people uncover and treat brain software deeply embedded in their brains. This phenomenon is intended to reduce the physiological burden of hidden brain programs to promote healing. It is a great promise for medical advancement.

Neuroplastic and Epigenetic Healing 

The research field of Feelogica uses neuroplasticity and epigenetics to change and stop the negative effects of hidden brain programs. Feelogica helps rewire the brain’s neural pathways, fostering healthier emotional responses and reducing the physiological impact of brain programs that generate suppressed emotions.

On the epigenetic front, specific interventions developed by Feelogica are designed to regulate gene expression, promote resilience, and reduce risk, even leading to improvements in health conditions. Feelogica not only assists in managing brain software but also improves overall well-being by fostering a more balanced and adaptable stress response. Our unique tool goes beyond traditional methods by providing revolutionary means to expose and treat brain software, creating new neural pathways that represent changes in brain software, bypassing the old and harmful ones.

The Future of Health Through “Brain Software” 

Exposure and attention to brain software hold tremendous potential for health improvement. This is done by integrating neuroscientific and epigenetic insights. In this way, we can develop more effective interventions for managing emotional suppression and its physiological consequences. This holistic approach promises not only to treat existing conditions but also to prevent the onset of diseases, paving the way for a healthier and more resilient population. Feelogica is at the forefront of this paradigm shift, offering unprecedented opportunities for healing and personal growth.

In summary, the connection between brain software and diseases underscores its importance for achieving good health and healing through breakthrough emotional means that also serve as a tool for quality of life and overall well-being. By leveraging advancements in brain sciences and epigenetics, we can develop innovative strategies, expose and manage these brain programs, offer new hope to those suffering from diseases related to processes controlled by brain software (most diseases), and improve the quality of life for many. With our groundbreaking tool, we stand at the threshold of a new era in emotional and physical health, where exposure and attention to brain software become a central component in medical treatment and personal well-being.

You Can Try the Benefits Before You Decide We know that trust is built on experience. That’s why we offer a unique opportunity: you can start your treatment with the confidence of paying only if you choose to continue. It’s not just a phrase; it’s our promise - because your satisfaction and certainty are important to us.

During the acquaintance period, we invite you to embrace the full benefits of our breakthrough at no upfront cost. We believe that the quality of our breakthrough will speak for itself, and we want to give you the freedom to make an informed decision about your health journey.

Commit Only When You’re Ready 

Take the time you need to feel the improvements and see

a man in pain

Understanding what is going on in your head - will not be enough to create change

The change happens when new connections in the brain are formed. We will teach you how
  • Emotions and connections in the brain are intertwined and create diseases


  • It is not enough to treat the symptoms of the disease as long as the brain continues to produce it


  • We must get to the source of the disease hidden in the brain and change from there - with determination